NYC Domain Name Registrations – July Review

This is the seventh in a series of monthly articles highlighting patterns and trends in recent NYC domain registrations. Each month I scan lists of recently registered .NYC domain names and after removing the hard-to-make-sense-of domains I'm left of a group I call the notables - this also includes highlighting any premium purchases (registration prices above the standard $20-30). Honestly, it's getting very difficult to place some of the names in categories, for example "" is two words, partly in another language, it's most likely a business that's a cafe... so please take the categories below lightly. So here goes. July 2018 NYC Business Domain Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 778 This is a big jump from the 629 NYC domain registrations reported last month. View the full list of July 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 39%:61% (org:indiv) ratio is a departure from the 50%:50% even split last month.   Prem…
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NYC Domain Name Registrations – June Review

This is the sixth in a series of monthly articles highlighting trends and patterns in NYC domain registrations - this month we focus on June NYC domain registrations. If you've read the previous monthly reviews, you know how this works. I've scanned lists and removed the hard-to-make-sense-of domains leaving me with a list of domains I call the notables. Domains that were sold for a premium price are also separated out and all names are placed loosely into categories. Here goes. June 2018 NYC Domain Name Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 629 This is a drop compared with May's tally of 650. View the full list of June 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 50%:50% (org:indiv) ratio evens out from the 53%:47% from last month.   Premium .NYC Domain Registrations in June 2018 The following names were domains originally reserved by Neustar (the .NYC registry) and later made available at premium tiered pricing. The prices shown, are a…
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NYC Domain Name Registrations – May Review

This is the fifth in a series of monthly articles highlighting trends and patterns in NYC domain registrations in May. By now you may know the drill. I've scanned lists and removed the hard-to-make-sense-of domains leaving me with a list of domains I call the notables. Domains that were sold for a premium price are also separated out and all names are placed loosely into categories. Here goes. May 2018 NYC Domain Name Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 650 This is a significant drop compared with April's tally of 778. View the full list of May 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 53%:47% (org:indiv) ratio is a switch from the 48%:52% from last month.   Premium .NYC Domain Registrations in May 2018 The following names were domains originally reserved by Neustar (the .NYC registry) and later made available at premium tiered pricing. The prices shown, are an estimation of sales price based on tiered pricing I observed at several …
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NYC Travel and Tourism Domains Auction Results

Almost 1 year on from the Technology themed NYC Premium Domain Auctions, the Travel and Tourism themed NYC Premium Domain Auctions were completed and the results show that awareness of .NYC still has some room to climb. Firstly, there was the news that was snapped up before the auction began for the price of $25,000 by Broadway League Inc ( This sale wasn't publicized and if it had happened a month before the travel auctions maybe there would have been an effect on the final auction prices. Below are the final results from the travel and tourism themed auction: Domain Name Price Sale Type Sale Venue Date Registered $555 Neustar Auction: Travel (#4) Sedo May 10, 2018 $25,000 Negotiated Pre-Travel Auction Sedo May 8, 2018 $750 Neustar Auction: Travel (#4) Sedo May 10, 2018 $500 Neustar Auction: Travel (#4) Sedo May 10, 2018 gui…
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NYC Domain Name Registrations – April Review

This is the forth in a series of monthly articles highlighting trends and patterns in NYC domain registrations in April. After scanning lists of recently registered .NYC domain names and after removing the hard-to-make-sense-of domains I'm left of a group I call the notables. Domains that were sold for a premium price are also separated out and all names are placed loosely into categories. So here goes. April 2018 NYC Domain Name Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 778 This is a significant drop compared with March's tally of 848. View the full list of April 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 48%:52% (org:indiv) ratio is similar to the 44%:56% from last month.   Premium NYC Domain Registrations in April 2018 The following names were domains originally reserved by Neustar (the .NYC registry) and later made available at premium tiered pricing. The prices shown, are an estimation of sales price based on tiered pricing I observed at…
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BroadwayTickets.NYC sells for $25k – Travel themed premium NYC domains

Although the 25 travel themed premium NYC domains that were announced last month to go to auction included, this gem was snapped up (before the auction start) - for $25,000. It's another great sale and further demonstrates the strength of .NYC almost 4 years after it launched.

Quick note: if it's before 1pm on May 10th, when you're reading this, you may still have time to grab a premium travel themed .NYC domain at Sedo.

I recently wrote about the premium travel themed domain auction highlighting the 25 names that are up for grabs and I did a follow up article called, "Premium NYC Travel Domains without the Auction". In this case it seems as though at least one person wanted one of the names scheduled for auction - without taking part in the auction! The company that bought is Broadway League Inc. and their main website is The sale of was in good com…
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Premium NYC Travel Domains without the Auction

Earlier in the week I wrote about the upcoming premium travel related NYC domain auctions. The list is definitely worth a look and I'd advise everyone who lives and works in the five boroughs to get involved and potential grab a great name at an unbelievable price. But it got me thinking - can I find other available premium NYC travel domains without the auction! Here's a recap of the names that will be auctioned starting May 3, 2018 at 1pm:   A nice feature of the website is that along with the promotion of the 25 premium travel related domains on auction (s…
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NYC Travel Domain Auction – Opens May 3, 2018

Following on from the success of the real estate, fashion and technology themed NYC domain auctions, Neustar and the City of New York are preparing to roll out the premium NYC travel domain auction in their fourth themed auction on on May 3rd. “I can think of no more fitting tribute to kick off the summer travel season than with these travel-related web addresses,” said Nicolai Bezsonoff, General Manager, Registry Solutions, Neustar. “Reaching those in-market travelers with a unique domain that signals they’ve reached a legitimate travel business based in New York will go a long way to engender the kind of brand trust that will keep customers coming back again, and again.” Businesses, organizations and people who live and work in five boroughs of New York City are all able to participate in the NYC travel domain auction. The auctions open at 1pm EST on May 3rd and the auction concludes at 1pm on May 10th, 2018. Bids in the final stages of the auction may extend the auc…
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NYC Business Domain Registrations – March Review

This is the third in a series of monthly articles highlighting patterns in NYC business domain registrations in March. Each month I scan lists of recently registered .NYC domain names and after removing the hard-to-make-sense-of domains I'm left of a group I call the notables. Any premium purchases (registration prices above the standard $20-30) are highlighted and all the domains are placed loosely into categories. Keep in mind that many of the domains could go into different categories and would therefore change the %, but I made decisions quickly on where to drop the domain and this month, I even consolidated groups (geo / address / real estate / construction). So here goes. March 2018 NYC Business Domain Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 848 buThis is one more domain compared with February's tally of 847 although March did have a few more days. View the full list of March 2018 NYC domain registrations here. The 44%:56% (org:indiv) ratio …
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Eras of the NYC domainspace

While researching February NYC domain registrations for the monthly review, the number of people registering multiple variations of a domain name caught my eye and made me think that we're entering a new era and that the NYC domainspace is maturing. If we're to separate the growth of the .NYC TLD I'd say we're entering "early maturity". We've left the "birth" and "infancy" eras. Post-It Note chronology         Also there are a few more themed auctions to come: Below is a more organized description of the chronology along with some thoughts on .NYC's evolution. Era: Birth [May 5, 2014 to Nov 6, 2014] Sunrise Periods: (1) Trademark holders [May 5 to June 20, 2014] and Founders Program [applications May 5 to June 13, 2014 - decisions by July 15, 2014], (2) City Affiliates [June 25 to July 31, 2014]. Landrush [Aug 4 to Oct 3, 2014] (pre-general availabil…
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New .NYC Domain Registrations – February 2018 Review

This is the second in a series of monthly articles detailing new .NYC domain registrations: looking at registration trends and categories, while also highlighting any premium .NYC domain registrations along with any obscure names I find. The NYC Open Data initiative was the original source of the NYC domain registration data. February is an interesting month for domain registrations. It's a short month and it follows one of the most depressing weeks of the year - one where resolutions have been broken and the credit card statements have arrived showing the full damage of the holiday spending. February 2018 .NYC Domain Registrations Total .nyc domain registrations added: 847 This is compared with January's 875, but don't forget February has 3 fewer days, so for a 10% drop in the number of days (31 to 28) we only saw a 3.2% drop in total new registrations (875 in Jan to 847 in Feb). View the full list of February 2018 NYC domain registrations here. This compares…
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  • 2 – High profile use of a .NYC domain

A few years ago HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver showed a popular segment where Oliver mocked Bloomberg for his PR firm registering 400 .nyc domains to protect his image. With such a high profile piece, the result was a bump in registrations and more importantly, awareness of the .nyc extension. Many people were introduced to something other than .com for the very first time. While since then, there have been lots of sightings of .nyc domains in use and continued adoption, there hasn't been further high profile displays of domain use by large NYC based businesses or organizations. That is until today. While watching CBS2 news this morning, I noticed every commercial break included an ad with the ending screen being a call to action, to go to a .nyc website. The ad was sponsored by the New York City Police Foundation and highlights an initiative by the NYPD to promote neighborhood policing. The initiative is called 'Build The Block' and their natural domain of choi…
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New .NYC Domain Registrations – January 2018 Review

With the start of 2018 now well underway, resolutions, goals, plans, and dreams are all tested. In the online world, new domain registrations usually signify the first step towards developing an idea. I hope to post an article each month detailing new .NYC domain registrations, looking at registration trends, categories, while also highlighting any premium .NYC domain registrations along with any obscure names I find. The NYC Open Data initiative was the original source of the NYC domain registration data. January 2018 .NYC Domain Registrations Total new .nyc domain registrations added: 875 View the full list on January 2018 NYC domain registrations here. As the table above shows, there's a healthy mix of organizations and individuals registering .NYC domain names.   Premium .NYC Domain Registrations in January 2018 The following names were domains originally reserved by Neustar (the .NYC registry) and later made available at premium tiered pricing. The…
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A New York City size and type of marketing campaign for .NYC

This YouTube video published on April 21, 2015 expertly outlines the genesis of the .NYC TLD. Sadly it has 33 views, no comments and not a single thumbs up in two and a half years!  Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) produced the show called Represent NYC and this episode focused on the then-new .nyc domain, with Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer as the host. Gale did a great job interviewing her three guests which included Betsy Bober Polivy (Founder of Manhattan Sideways,, Ken Biberaj (VP at Russian Tea Rooms, and Community Board 7 member) and Anna Guzman (Business Development Manager at Neustar, In the humble style of most public television productions, the video dives into discussing what is .nyc, the technical and marketing role of Neustar and a few case studies including Betsy's, a website devoted to promoting NYC businesses located on the side streets of the city. For such a large, bustling and often…
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You had me at, “You put your capital at risk…”

George Kirikos recently wrote a forum post on NamePros about the types of phrases prospective buyers use in their emails when inquiring about a domain name. Below is the list: I'm a student We're a non-profit Be reasonable I'm a broker We have a client I'm starting a blog We don't have a large budget I'm a serious buyer If you have a list of other domains This email is not spam As both a seller and buyer, the list doesn't surprise me. I've seen many of them in emails I've received and have used some of them (most times legitimately) as a potential buyer. While George mentioned he thinks people should avoid using those phrases in their emails - I really don't mind them! After all it's a potential customer. Raymond Hackney published a follow up post to the NamePros thread at called, "You had me at Scumbag". It described a domain inquiry he received where the sender said “I know all you so called investors are just scumbags …
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