DATA2GO.NYC is a free, easy-to-use online mapping and data tool created by the nonprofit Measure of America with funding from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.

DATA2GO.NYC brings together for the first time federal, state, and city data on a broad range of issues critical to the well-being of all New Yorkers. The website includes over 300 indicators for New York City’s 59 community districts—and 150 of these indicators are also available by census tract. Many of these indicators were previously unavailable to the public.

DATA2GO.NYC was created to provide reliable, up-to-date information on neighborhood assets and challenges. It is a tool people who are dedicated to a city in which “everyone counts” can use to craft effective solutions, target policies and services, advocate for change, and hold elected officials accountable for human progress. DATA2GO.NYC has funding for five years of data updates and the addition of new indicators based on user demand.

The data come predominantly from public entities, including the US Census Bureau and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the New York State Departments of Health and of Agriculture and Markets, and New York City agencies responsible for promoting the well-being of New Yorkers in many areas: children’s services, corrections, education, environmental protection, health, homelessness, sanitation, the police and fire departments, and more.

For more detailed information, see the FAQ.


Measure of America is a nonpartisan research and advocacy initiative of the Social Science Research Council. We provide easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools that measure what matters for human well-being, freedom, and opportunity. Through reports and online tools tools like DATA2GO.NYC, Measure of America works with partners to breathe life into numbers, using data to create compelling narratives that foster understanding of inequalities and build support for people-centered policies. This work is grounded in a strong conceptual framework, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach.

The Helmsley Charitable Trust aspires to improve lives by supporting exceptional nonprofits and other mission-aligned organizations in the US and around the world in health, selected place-based initiatives, and education and human services.

Suggested attribution:
Measure of America, Social Science Research Council. 2016. DATA2GO.NYC.


Concept & Project Direction
Sarah Burd-Sharps and Kristen Lewis, Measure of America; Rosten Woo
Rosten Woo
Statistical collection and curation
Carly Clemons, Andy Garon, Rebecca Gluskin, Patrick Guyer, Laura Laderman, Alex Powers, Rebecca Rasch
Application development and coding
Codie Joseph See
Logo and brand identity
Tiffanie Tran
User experience consultation
Sara Schnadt

Nancy Andiloro NYC Department of Probation
Steve Bezman NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Ronna Brown Philanthropy NY
Dorothy Browne Boy Scouts of America
Jintana Chiu Mayor’s Office of Operations
Dalton Conley New York University
Lisa Cowan Red Hook Initiative
Christine D’Onofrio NYC Center for Economic Opportunity
Sheldon Danziger Russell Sage Foundation
Cynthia Esposito Lamy Robin Hood
Ester Fuchs Columbia University – SIPA
Katherine Greig Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability
Bernell Grier Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc.
Angela Hariche Foundation Center
Ben Kallos NYC Council Member, District 5
Josef Kannegaard Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness
Matt Klein NYC Center for Economic Opportunity & Mayor’s Office of Operations
Laura Kurgan Columbia University – GSAPP
Jennifer March Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York
John Mollenkopf CUNY Graduate Center
Lindsay Mollineaux Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics
Morgan Monaco Mayor’s Office of Operations
Nebahat Noyan NYC Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence
Nicholas O’Brien Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics
Nicole Pritchard Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc.
Joseph Pupello Zone A New York
Steven Romalewski CUNY Graduate Center
Susan Saegert CUNY Graduate Center
Jilly Stephens City Harvest
Ben Wellington iQuantNY, Pratt Institute, Two Sigma Investments
Jason Wu Human Services Council
Aurora Zepeda Homes for the Homeless


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