NYC domains are selling – I just broke even!

Earlier this year I wrote about my 4 year experience investing in .NYC domain names. I described my annual quest to reach the $15,000 mark, at which point the profits from my domain sales would equal my renewal costs.

Since the launch of the .NYC domain extension back in October 2014 this had been a difficult, yet expected challenge.

  • There were (and still are) so many great .nyc domain names that my domain portfolio swelled and still grows each year.
  • There was also my additional investment in registering available domain names and in 2017 I snapped up about 50 premium .nyc domains as they became available (in a day I spent $12,000+ on those names).
  • As with most investments, a return isn’t made overnight. It takes time to bake! Many of the premium domains that I paid between $265 and $600 for did receive decent offers, I just felt they weren’t at fully cooked prices. If I’d have accepted them, I may have broken even for the year but would definitely have left money on the table and most likely regretted the sale 12 months later.

Those factors meant that while breaking even at some point (and continuing to make a profit on the portfolio) was important, it wasn’t my number one objective.

This year was starting to look really positive with sales for the first 6 months of 2018 equaling those from the whole of 2017 by June. Fast forward 4 full months and 4 more additional .nyc domain sales ($9,360 total before commission and fees) and I made it to break even plus a few thousand dollars profit.

[If on a mobile device, the chart may be cropped. See all 8 columns here.]

The 4 sales were for $7,000, $1,500, $500 and $360. So obviously that one big sale helped a lot (will write about that sale shortly).

The next few months will prove how successful 2018 has been for .NYC domain sales in the aftermarket. My experience of increased awareness, interest, offers, sales and sales prices so far this year, also makes me excited about what is to come in 2019.

Do you have any experience in new gTLD sales – especially geoTLDs like .nyc? Would be nice to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments section.


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